Transnational Online Workshops
ERASMUS + CLIMAX is organising the transnational online workshop.
28 November 2022 h. 17.00 CET time I workshop online meeting (Lumen)
To join the I Climax workshop click this link
30 November 2022 h. 17.00 CET time II workshop online meeting (E3stem)
To join the II Climax workshop click this link
5th December 2022 h. 17.00 CET time III workshop online meeting
To join the III Climax workshop click this link
For more informations check on the main menu to visit each single workshop's page
The Workshop's activities will be implemented under the guidance of Lumen and E3Stem experts.
The Workshops will support teachers in the implementation of the CLIMAX curriculum on climate change for schools
The workshop is free and certificate of attendance will be provided for the participation to each workshop
A certificate of attendance will be provided to participants. In order to receive the certificate please complete the online registration for the workshop at
Please feel free to contact us if you require additional information. I very much look forward to hearing from you and hope that you would be willing to accept our invitation to this very important event.
Programme of the workshops
I workshop online meeting (Lumen)
Purpose and goals of the Toolkit evaluation of the first approach of the toolkit in classes after the regional presentation of the draft toolkit versions
LEVEL 2 - Solar energy radiation in environmental spheres
App inventor
Explanation of experiments
Experiment 3: Light in the visible spectrum through different surfaces
Experiment 4: Light intensity and distance from sources
Experiment 5: How colours absorb light
Experiment 6: Solar lighting zones
Experiment 7: The difference in solar irradiance
Experiment 8: Opacimeter for smog
II workshop online meeting (E3stem)
LEVEL 1 - Natural-geological processes + Experiments
Explanation of experiments
Experiment 2: Run-off erosion, soil/sediment transportation
Explanation of experiments
Experiment 9: Water cycle experiment
Experiment 10: Calculate the flood
III workshop online meeting
Arduino App inventor
Explanation of experiments
Experiment 11: Evaporation of a reservoir
Experiment 12: Plant Transpiration
Experiment 13: Water Density and Ocean Circulations
Experiment 14: The Influence of Temperature on Ocean Currents
Experiment 15: Temperature and humidity in our classroom
Experiment 16: Temperature and humidity in our school
Quality Evaluation questionnaire (participants)
Content of the Project work
Participants to the online workshops are expected to implement for each workshop hour a number of at least 4 hours of individual Project work .
The objective of the Project Work is to produce a lesson using the tools and experiments highlighted in the toolkit.
The objective of the Project Work is to produce a lesson using the tools and experiments highlighted in the toolkit.
The result will be the creation of an hour of lessons including a theoretical context, an experimental part and a proposal for evaluating objectives (what is the level of competence required by the teacher).