TPM 2 Fiorano, Modenese,
Italy 27 - 28 October 2022
Climax Erasmus+ Project 2021-1-SK01-KA220-SCH-000023803
Date: October 27 and 28, 2022
Venue: Lumen Association Building, Fiorano, Modenese
Alessandro Zeppelli from Ecece
Jozef Lavička from Stuba
Martin Dubiny from Stuba
Giordano Vignoli from Lumen
Desirée Cuordileone from Lumen
Sarantos Psycharis frome E3stem
Paraskevi Theodorou from E3stem
Mariana Štefanková from Skola Felix
Eddy Richardson from Skola Felix
27 October 2022
Welcome - Lumen Association
State of the art of the CLIMAX project - University Stuba, ECECE
Climax Toolkit presentation - Lumen Association, E3STEM
Climate Toolkit finalization - All Partners
Conclusions - University Stuba, ECECE
28 October 2022
Pilot: organization of the training and videos - Lumen Association, E3STEM
Pilot: organization of the testing with schools - University Stuba, ECECE
Communication and dissemination - ECECE, Felix School
Conclusions and next steps - University Stuba ECECE
Day 1 Discussion (27 October 2022)
Welcome - Lumen Association
State of the art of the CLIMAX project - University Stuba, ECECE
Climax Toolkit presentation - Lumen Association, E3STEM
Climate Toolkit finalization - All Partners
Conclusions - University Stuba, ECECE